Monday, October 10, 2011

an "ah-ha moment"

A few months back, a woman named Olivia contacted me on behalf of Mutual of Omaha’s “Aha Moment” campaign. Every summer, for the past few years, they take an Airstream trailer across the country and interview people about their "Ah-ha moments"—and they asked me to be a part of it this year. It's a pretty cool concept, and the first time I've gotten a non-spam email from a company through my blog—so I looked into it. As much as being on camera freaks me out (you'll notice my blushing), and feeling like a giant dork, I decided to do it. So, last month, I met the very nice team and hopped into their trailer and tried to make sense of why I have my blog and why I love baking so much. Here is a link to my video.

(And please don't think I'm as big of a dork as I think I am.)


  1. woot woot! way to go, girlfriend! I LOVED that as much as I love reaping the rewards of your "ah-ha" moment.

  2. That was fantastic! Great job!! I know how traumatic it can feel to watch yourself on video BUT I thought you were very natural, likable and super cute! Great job. I love those Ah-Ha moments! :)

    (CK2's friend from way back... :)

  3. Thank you so much, guys! (I feel a lil' less dorky now.)

  4. Love this Cee! your the very best I love and miss you tons. xoxo
