Wednesday, February 4, 2009

pecan pie

dear pecan pie,

let's face it, you are not a good looking pie. and a lot of people are afraid of your nutty deliciousness and you get a lot of hate. but not from me. i love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. you are best the day after you are made and just out of the fridge. i'm maybe only a little bit ashamed that i spent most of last week eating a few bites of you for dinner when i got home from work exhausted. but just a lil'. because you are delightful and caramely and i really think we could be happy together.

all my love,

---- ok, i know i got carried away but i just can't help it.

1 unbaked 9" pie shell
3 eggs
1 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup light corn syrup (usually do 1/2 c. corn syrup and 1/2 maple syrup - my mom thinks it's better)
1/2 t. vanilla
1 1/3 c. pecans

beat eggs. add sugar and mix. stir in all remaining ingredients except pecans. put pecans in pie shell. pour filling over pecans (they will rise to the top). Bake at 350° for 45 minutes. serve chilled or at room temperature.

so easy. so good.


  1. I am one of those haters (not fond of nut-things). But after such a love letter, I think I may want to lick the bottom of that carmelly pan for you.

  2. i love pecan pie myself, especially since I grew up in the south and that was the pie of choice! But if you think the plain one is good, you should add chocolate to it. DIVINE!!!!!!

  3. I just want to say that I love reading about all the fun foods you make. I'm not a fan of the pecan pie myself, but your pics make it look oftly delicious. I might just try it out. And thanks for posting recipes. BTW Do you know of any good chocolate fondue recipes? I just got a fondue for Christmas, and I'm itching to try a good one.

  4. dear pecan pie,

    why do you ruin the pie with all those nuts?

    an anti-nut fan, but a fan of the crust & care's interior goodness,


  5. Caroline- YUM!

    I can't believe how luscious that looks. I might have to make this tomorrow.

  6. oh farrah, you crack me up.

    rebekah, do you have a recipe for one i could try?

    sarah, thanks for loving the blog! i don't have any chocolate fondue recipes, but i'll ask my friend damian who owns a chocolate fountain that he's very proud of.

    julia, i'll eat the pecans off your piece, how's that?

    jean, yes! let me know how it turns out!

  7. Oh, could you make this without saving some for me? I have yet to find a better recipe - anywhere. I'm so sad, and just looking at the pics make me want to write a love letter, too. The only consolation I have is the lack of calories I consumed.
