Saturday, August 18, 2007

i love rhubarb

so, if you are a member of my family, you have to like rhubarb (sorry, courtney) and it's a good season for that now. so, i've made rhubarb pie and rhubarb bread lately. for the rhubarb pie, this is the right size of rhubarb chunk. it's about a quarter inch thick. for the rhubarb bread, it's about 1/16th inch thick.

now, i can't give you the actual pie recipe, cause that is forbidden by my mother. but, this one is pretty close.

so, for this bread, i basically added rhubarb to a coffee cake recipe and split it between two bread pans. the crumb topping from that bread i showed in the last post inspired the idea for turning this coffee cake into a rhubarb bread. this recipe is almost exactly like my mom's recipe. although, i don't use nuts at all. but if i did, i'd use pecans instead of walnuts. i hope you guys love rhubarb as much as i do and make some treats. if you have any other rhubarb recipes, please share them!


  1. Wow. You are like my hero. Lately, I have been remembering a rhubarb pie that I sampled years ago and have been wanting to try to make one myself all summer. Seriously! But I have never used rhubarb before... thanks for the link.

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  4. Where was I when this pie was born?

  5. I would trot back for that pie.

  6. I have a strawberry rhubarb recipe. I made it for Thanksgiving last year and it was gorgeous. Unfortunately my family eschews rhubarb. Maybe Courtney and I can switch families.


  7. broek, we are already practically blood sisters, so let's talk.

  8. i think if someone made me a strawrhubarb pie it would drastically increase the probability of a road trip.

  9. I don't think you understand...I thought my mom was the only woman in the united states that knew how to make a rhubarb pie! It's one of my favorite desserts...with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. My mouth is watering just typing this! You never cease to amaze, Care-bear...

  10. i have the rhubarb, you bring the strawberries.

    dc, you are invited. bring the ice cream.

  11. I gots fresh Strawberries in my garden. You, ma'am have a deal.

    Do you need zucchini?


    I'm just saying...


  13. Caroline! I found your blog off of Amy Gueck's. This is the former Kelly Walton. How are you? I love this blog! You look fabulous! Seriously, email me.

  14. oh my gosh, kelly! i will email you asap!!!

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