Monday, July 16, 2007

ginger + chocolate = even better?

so, i didn't have time to make the gingerbread, but with that on the brain i made these delicious little guys. always a hit.

the recipe is posted here. i used chips instead of chunks, cause i'm lazy. and if you bake them longer than 10 minutes, they are not soft enough. which my old roommate, julia and i both learned on different occasions when we first made them. so, 10 minutes, and they are perfect.


  1. I am on a ginger with lemon thing right now. Chocolate with lemon is amazing. And ginger with lemon is amazing. And yellow is very in season right now.

    I'm just saying that these ginger cookies look delightful, but I'd bet that with either some lemon frosting (WITH peel!) would be a welcome garnish, as would, perhaps, a squishing of lemon gelato in-between be rather friendly, too.

  2. I'll take one order of ginger chocolate cookies please. You have my address. Thanks.

  3. Oh man, your blog doesn't help my current sugar cutbacks.

  4. I just want you to know that I've had multiple friends tell me they're spreading your blogg around to others, and last night, my roommate made your quiche.

    You = Delicious.

  5. oooo! i love to hear that! i was wondering if i should keep this going or not...

    when i get back from my beloved hometown, i will post the cookies i'm making for julia's wedding this weekend, and pics from the pioneer day breakfast potluck i had at my house on tuesday.
