Monday, June 11, 2007

my first post: sunday morning bread

one of my favorite things to do on sunday mornings is to make homemade bread.

this is my mom's half white/half wheat bread. (keeping things multi-cultural.)

growing up, i don't really remember having any store-bought bread in our house. my mom was always churning out loaves of bread that she would either feed to us or sell to a few neighbors and friends. and since i aspire to be my mother's daughter, i love to make homemade bread. you can't beat the smell or taste of fresh bread. it's a tough thing to master and while i haven't quite gotten there, i think i'm getting better. hope mama is proud.


  1. Yay Care. Love the bread, looks excellent. Way to move toward what you want.

  2. Does this bread ship to NYC? I want some now. Ditto what Broek said. . . way to make it happen and I love the header.

  3. This blog is going to be trouble...I'm at work right now and craving a piece of that bread with some butter, honey and a tall glass of milk. Do you deliver? ;)

  4. i will be delivering soon. to ny and wherever else you want. thanks for the support people!

  5. mmmm this looks so delish! i'm so excited you are jumping on the blogging wagon.

  6. what the * i'm not quite understanding why this bread isn't in my belly every sunday morn. i'd wake up for bread...

  7. ok, let's have a sunday morning breakfast buffet. bread and hash browns and eggs...

  8. oooh- You make me wish I lived in Salt Lake!
    I've never said those words before...
